Our CEO, Sandy Ziebold, was published by the Brain Injury Association of America. Check out her article entitled The Importance of Screening Domestic Violence Victims for Brain Injury. https://www.biausa.org/public-affairs/media/the-importance-of-screening-domestic-violence-victims-for-brain-injury
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center is a domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center, primarily serving within central Indiana. Not only does Beacon of Hope provide free and confidential services to these victims, but their foster pet program provides support to their pets, too.
Read Full Article Victims of domestic violence are at an increased risk for homicide when strangulation is occurring. "Nonfatal strangulation has been reported in nearly 45 percent of attempted homicides in domestic violence situations against women, and 97 percent of victims are strangled manually," Madison Stacy with WTHR shares more about the dangers of strangulation.
www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/manual-strangulation-is-the-biggest-sign-domestic-abuse-will-turn-deadly-experts-say/531-0a9a92c8-a0da-418a-b81e-a3d80ddacf38 "The investigation process can take time, and law enforcement, just like most businesses and departments, are also experiencing a labor shortage and must be thorough and fair," she said.
Still, Ziebold would like to see things move more quickly for victims of sexual assaults. "We must resolve the process moving more quickly because in instances where someone is guilty then they remain free for a lengthy amount of time to offend again," she said. "As a community and as a society we are permitting this opportunity for additional offending and more trauma by not fixing the slowness of the process." https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/butler/2021/08/26/butler-basketball-carlos-scooby-johnson-alleged-rape-delayed-arrest/8251281002/ “No one should ever have to give up their pet in order to be safe,” says Beacon of Hope Crisis Center CEO Sandra Ziebold. “We are proud to be providing foster pet services in collaboration with shelters and nonresidential domestic violence programs that refer clients to us for pet fostering. No pet should ever be harmed by an abuser to demonstrate power and control over a primary victim. Our Foster Pet Program is all about helping to mitigate this barrier.”
https://coburnplace.org/stories/when-pets-are-victims-too/?fbclid=IwAR3o4QBZJDcpmW5A3AfxxZeM2GFramSfxfFxGNR03f6JVD7gcLGqvFHBBa4 |
Check out the Sophisticated Giving Charity Register 2023 to learn more about the impact Beacon of Hope Crisis Center has in the community.
![]() “Local Matters with Mel McMahon” brings you the stories of Indiana Owned business owners and community members making a positive impact in Indiana. On this episode, Indiana Owned and Indiana Gifts co-founder Mel McMahon chats with Sandy Ziebold, Chief Executive Officer of Beacon of Hope Crisis Center, a domestic violence and sexual assault services agency. They talk about statistical trends in Central Indiana, how Beacon of Hope positively impacts lives, and how you can make a difference this October during Domestic Violence Awareness month. It’s all about the mission—creating healthier, stronger communities and more jobs in Indiana through the support of local. Thanks for listening!
Indiana - - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center, domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy agency serving central Indiana, now provides an inclusive online experience to enable website visitors to access online content and services barrier-free.
As part of our diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy, website visitors are now able to ... https://www.wbiw.com/2022/10/04/beacon-of-hope-crisis-center-provides-an-inclusive-experience-online/ In partnership with Beacon of Hope Crisis Center and Franciscan Care Management, Franciscan Health is now offering a free resource to help victims process that trauma.
“Take It Out In Art” is a free class intended for any victim of violence. https://fox59.com/news/franciscan-health-offering-free-therapeutic-art-classes-for-victims-of-violence/ "Yet local sexual assault organizations continue to see, and have always worked with, a number of elderly victims. Sandra Ziebold is the executive director of Beacon of Hope Crisis Center in Indianapolis, a non-profit which specializes in victim advocacy services for domestic violence and sexual assault victims.
In August, her organization served 130 new victims of domestic violence. Twenty of those victims who requested safety and support were over the age of 50, and four of them reported elder abuse. “I think, sadly, there isn't a lot spoken about the sector, but it certainly exists, is certainly there. We're certainly seeing it in our data within our agency,” Ziebold said." www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/older-women-are-victims-of-sexual-assault-too-why-dont-we-talk-about-it/531-b99c6b7a-483f-4b34-8e91-ec8ac630d392 “This impact gift given to us back in 2019 helped us save lives. The funds really kickstarted the bigger vision to help us be able to evolve our efforts even further over the past two years to assist with strangulation victimization,” Ziebold said.
http://www.dailyjournal.net/2021/08/13/philanthropic_group_celebrates_five_years_of_impact-2 |
Local Matters Podcast December 2020. On this episode of Local Matters, Mel McMahon chats with Sandy Ziebold, CEO of Beacon of Hope Crisis Center about going from wanting to be a meteorologist to becoming the CEO of an nonprofit providing free advocacy and referral services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Learn how the organization faced the challenges of the pandemic, the increase in needed services in our community, and how local businesses and our community impact what Beacon of Hope can provide. Thanks for listening!
Agency Board Spokesperson, Jackie Ponder, shares about Beacon of Hope's mission, our services, and how the community can help. She also shares some fun details about our signature fundraising event coming up during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Featured on WIBC 93.1FM:
Agency CEO shares about Beacon of Hope and the work our agency does serving victims of crime here in Central Indiana. Featured on KLOVE 101.9 in their local community spotlight segment:
“In the past, we’ve seen an increase in calls after the holidays, when everybody was home and in a high-stress situation,” said Bowman. Now, that high-stress situation is COVID-19 and all that comes with it, like unemployment, working from home, or being stuck inside, often times with a partner or family member who is abusive. https://www.wthr.com/article/news/health/advocates-report-increase-in-domestic-violence-during-pandemic/531-183ff27d-c12c-499b-83cc-62209011c27e
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center is featured on pages 12 and 13 in the 2021 IBJ Giving Guide: https://issues.ibj.com/ibj/supplements/giving-guide/2020/ "What’s most rewarding about my job is mitigating barriers and helping others become empowered and healed. We’re here to serve a purpose, and I want to affect positive change," Ziebold said. https://issuu.com/indysouthmagazine/docs/south_fall_2002_lo/26 “Comparing the first eight months of 2019 to the first eight months of 2020, our agency data for serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault reflects a 66% increase in stalking and harassment and a 212% increase in strangulation among those we served,” Ziebold said. https://www.theindianalawyer.com/articles/web-exclusive-domestic-violence-shelters-see-fewer-calls-more-severe-cases-in-pandemic Beacon of Hope Crisis Center has criminal justice advocates who specifically help families understand the court system and how it works. “I want people to know if they find themselves in a situation like this family found themselves in, that we can help,” Ziebold added. https://fox59.com/news/crisis-centers-encourage-people-to-reach-out-for-help-following-avon-murder-suicide/ Scared to leave, scared to stay..."The message I want them to hear," Ziebold said, "is that there's hope." https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2020/04/09/coronavirus-indiana-domestic-violence-worsens-amid-stay-home-orders/2953473001/ COVID-19 surge in domestic violence and concern for victims: https://www.theindychannel.com/news/coronavirus/surge-in-domestic-violence-in-central-indiana-concerns-survivors-and-advocates Pets Offer Comfort to Survivors of Domestic Violence on FOX59: https://fox59.com/news/pets-offer-comfort-to-survivors-of-domestic-violence/ A Survivor and her Advocate featured on FOX59 and CBS4: https://fox59.com/2019/10/16/domestic-violence-survivor-shares-traumatic-experience-to-highlight-importance-of-advocates/ The 100+ Women Who Care Johnson County giving circle gives an impact-gift of nearly $14,000 to Beacon of Hope Crisis Center: http://www.wbiw.com/2019/08/28/beacon-of-hope-crisis-center-awarded-13300-johnson-county-community-foundation-100-women-who-care-grant/ Street concert to benefit Beacon of Hope Crisis Center: http://www.dailyjournal.net/2019/06/06/street_festival_to_benefit_southside_crisis_center/ Agency CEO featured in this RTV6 news link about University's linking up with local officials to address the problem of dating violence: www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/marion-county/end-dating-violence-seminar-planned-at-butler-university Agency Advocates featured in this FOX59 news segment about dating violence awareness: https://fox59.com/2019/02/14/indy-advocates-say-parents-need-to-watch-for-teen-dating-violence/ |
Agency CEO featured in this RTV6 news link about the murder-suicide involving two teachers in Fishers. Sharing that 1 in 3 homicide victims are murdered by their current or former partner and discusses the signs of domestic violence and the importance of early intervention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FaYIGYc0Js
Agency CEO on RTV6 about Utah student intimate partner violence death. She shares about the importance of advocates and law enforcement working together and talks about how to get help in an abusive situation: https://www.facebook.com/LaurenCaseyChannel6news/videos/344142962828250/ Featured on FOX59 agency Board Spokesperson, Jackie Ponder, shares about our agencies launching of the Central Indiana Pet Abuse Link Task Force: https://fox59.com/2018/10/09/crisis-center-launches-task-force-to-address-link-between-pet-abuse-domestic-violence/ Agency highlighted in the University of Indianapolis Portico Magazine. Esraa Bintalib ’18 chose sociology as her major with a criminal justice minor and a concentration in community organizing. This combination, together with her cultural background, turned out to be the perfect fit for an internship with Beacon of Hope Crisis Center: https://portico.uindy.edu/2018/08/10/a-beacon-of-hope-intersecting-culture-sociology-change/ Agency featured in the Daily Journal - Program Focuses On Dating Violence: http://www.dailyjournal.net/2018/08/11/program_focuses_on_dating_violence/
Agency CEO takes part as a special guest on the JL Media Today Movie Night 2018 LIVE streaming audio cast from Hamilton 16 IMAX for the opening of Ant Man and the Wasp. Click the link and scroll down to listen now to Season 3 Episode 13 (S3+E13): http://www.jlmediatoday.com/movie-night-3-2018.html Featured on RTV6 Agency Adds A Trauma Therapy Dog And Receives Large Donation From Bob's Discount Furniture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUnlunFt8lg Agency sees growth with this years relocation and was the recipient of an award for their positive impact in the community. Featured in The Southside Times: https://ss-times.com/stopping-the-cycle/
Agency featured in this WISHTV8 segment on Giving Tuesday: wishtv.com/2017/11/28/local-organization-helps-more-than-900-victims-of-domestic-violence-and-sexual-assault-per-year/ Agency featured in the Indiana Business Journal 2018 Giving Guide: https://issues.ibj.com/ibj/supplements/giving-guide/2017/ Agency CEO explains that it can be difficult for many people to tell if someone needs help but Beacon of Hope advocates know the signs, understand the barriers to leaving and can help victims safely break free from the cycle of violence: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/indianapolis/nearly-30-of-women-killed-in-indianapolis-this-year-have-died-at-the-hands-of-an-intimate-partner Agency Director of Victim Advocacy featured in this FOX59 segment on sexual assault in the workplace: http://via.fox59.com/Cq46S Agency Victim Advocate/Foster Pet Program Coordinator featured on WISHTV8 midday educating the community about pet abuse awareness and sharing about our foster pet program: http://wishtv.com/2017/11/09/local-organization-provides-assistance-to-victims-of-domestic-violence/ Agency signs new partnership with Bargersville Police Department: https://ss-times.com/bargersville-police-beacon-hope/ http://www.dailyjournal.net/2017/10/07/bargersville_police_advocacy_group_team_up_for_cause/ Agency CEO takes advocacy team to visit the memorial at Southport Police Department to pay respects for the fallen Officers; article includes photo of Tiffany Wilson, placing the flowers on the patrol car memorial for Lt. Aaron Allan: http://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2017/07/28/slain-southport-police-officer-aaron-allan/520656001/ Agency relocation and Greenwood police department partnership featured in Daily Journal: http://www.dailyjournal.net/2017/05/10/beacon_of_hope/ Agency receives crisis bundle donations from Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana Women In Law: http://www.theindianalawyer.com/dtci-women-in-the-law/PARAMS/article/43588 Agency CEO quoted in article on the topic of teen violence: http://m.nuvo.net/indianapolis/child-abuse-teen-violence-higher-in-indiana-than-other-states/Content?oid=4841941 Agency CEO speaks at statehouse in support of adding pets to protective orders: http://www.courierpress.com/story/news/politics/2017/01/19/indiana-bill-would-protect-pets-domestic-violence-cases/96768198/ Agency featured announcing upcoming relocation of crisis center: https://ss-times.com/beacon-hope-crisis-center-relocates/ |