Our victim advocates are available during office and satellite hours to assist domestic violence and/or sexual assault victims. Our main office hours are Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Our satellite extended crisis line hours are during evenings and weekends until 1:00 AM. We are an advocacy and referral crisis support center. We are not a 24/7 provider and we are not a shelter. We do have collaborative partner referral resources to which we refer victims who need immediate assistance outside of our available hours of operation.
Our victim advocacy team provides victims with emotional support and help finding resources. Our advocates help victims with filling out paperwork and sometimes go to court, hospitals, and police departments with victims. In an effort to best help and get information for victims we reach out to other collaborative partners and organizations such as social service agencies and law enforcement for criminal justice assistance. We have a crisis call hotline team that fields incoming crisis calls. Our team also provides assistance with obtaining safe housing, victim advocacy, court advocacy, protective orders, medical and dental care referrals, counseling, emergency hotel stays and many other necessary services through our advocacy programs.
We are here to help domestic violence and sexual assault victims break free from the cycle of violence. We have a phenomenal team and we strive each and every day to to ensure that we are informed, empowered, encouraged and ready to service our clients in every way that is needed. Providing information on victimization, crime prevention, safety planning, protective orders and information on the criminal justice process and on the legal rights and protections of victims. Providing emotional support to victims and helping them with victim compensation applications. Helping victims with submitting their comments to courts and parole boards. Intervening with employers, landlords and creditors for the victims. Helping victims find transportation and shelter and many times making other arrangements that can present, such as funerals. Notifying victims of inmates' release or escape. Advocating for our clients in all ways that will help them become free from the grip of domestic violence.
How Advocates Work with Victims: Our advocates inform our clients about the different options available to them and support victims in doing their own decision-making. Advocates do not tell victims what to do. Advocates are committed to maintaining the highest possible levels of confidentiality in their communications with victims. Advocates can keep most victims' confidences private. However, all advocates must report certain types of information to the authorities; such as they have to report any type of threat to a person. A threat to a person would be clients threatening to hurt themselves or someone else. They also have to report the abuse or neglect of children. It is important for victims to ask about confidentiality rules before they begin working with an advocate.
If you are a Victim: It may be difficult for you to reach out for help. But you may find that victim advocates can offer you information, support, and access to helpful services you might not know about. Victims are often relieved to know that agencies in their community want to make sure they are safe and have the help they need to recover from the impact of the crime.
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