I reached out to the agency after leaving my abusive home. I have been a victim of verbal and emotional abuse for over a decade, and I knew that I needed to leave to be in the best mindset for myself and my two children. I left my abusive ex as soon as I was able but did not have anywhere to go. After I shared the years of manipulation and gaslighting I experienced, the advocate and I made a safety plan for how to start over with my children.
Though I wanted to find a new home for me and my kids, we quickly realized I first needed to find new employment to afford a home. I had some job prospects lined up already but needed childcare so my children could be safely looked after while I worked. My advocate provided childcare referrals to make this plan possible. I also needed to find somewhere safe in the meantime while we searched for housing as well. Under the stress and uncertainty of not having anywhere to stay, one of my kids had been missing school. To keep my kids in a healthy position, we needed to go to a shelter. My advocate provided several family shelters where my kids and I could be safe. Even though it was not easy by any means, I was so thankful to have my advocate there to help me assess my needs and find solutions for all of them. Now, my children and I are safe and working towards a brighter future. . Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
Recently, I was accompanied by an advocate from Beacon of Hope Crisis Center to emergency medical care after a severe incident of physical domestic violence. I was fearful and wanted guidance on how to move forward from this point. I had never received injuries this bad from my abuser, and I did not think that the abuse up to this point had been that bad. Before I was taken to the hospital, my day had been normal and uneventful. I thought when I woke up that day that we were going to have a great day. Unfortunately, we started arguing pretty early on in the day and I knew that wasn’t going to be true, but I didn’t expect it to get as bad as it did. The argument quickly went from verbal to physical. My abuser hit me in the head with multiple objects. I was in a lot of pain and bleeding a lot. I was scared to call the police because I didn’t think they would believe me. I had a friend drive me to the hospital where I met the advocate and a SANE Nurse.
While I received medical care, my advocate explained how the SANE nurse was going to take pictures and ask me questions about the incident. The advocate also explained the process for reporting the incident to law enforcement and the rest of the criminal justice process after reporting. I was still a little unsure, but I wanted the abuse to stop before it had the chance to escalate further. With support from my advocate and the SANE Nurse, I felt comfortable enough to report to law enforcement. I am thankful to my advocate for being there with me through this process. I am glad I came into the hospital that day and feel better about moving forward from this point thanks to my advocate and the SANE nurse that helped me. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
My abuser often threatens me that they will call law enforcement and report negative things about me. This was the main reason before I started working with Beacon of Hope Crisis Center that I never reached out for help. I had been experiencing verbal, emotional, psychological, and physical abuse for many years from my abuser. During the most recent incident, my abuser caused me to break a limb; as a result, I had to take time off from work. My workplace referred me to the agency for help. When I first called, I was terrified. I was scared that I wouldn’t qualify for their services. The advocate validated my concerns and reassured me that they serve everyone in need of their missions services.
I felt much more comfortable after that and felt safe telling my full story. They were able to offer me services for my situation and support. I am so thankful to my advocate for listening and never judging me. They made it so easy to talk about my trauma and at the end of the conversation, I felt so much more confident than at the start. I was already well on my way with important steps, but with their resources, they were able to connect me with an attorney to help me further navigate my situation. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
A little while ago I left my abusive ex and took my pet with me. My abuser had harmed my pet in the past and threatened to shoot my pet before I left. I had confirmed placement at a local domestic violence shelter for me and my pet but I needed assistance with getting them up-to-date on their vaccinations to be able to enter the shelter, so I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center. The Director of Primary Prevention reached out to me and asked for proof of ownership documentation for my pet and then scheduled a vet appointment with one of their Foster Pet Program partners. They met me at the hotel I was staying at and transported my pet to the vet for it to receive its vaccines. My pet received all the needed vaccines and a wellness exam thanks to the financial assistance of BOHCC. They returned my pet to me, and I made plans to enter the shelter later that day with my pet. I can’t express how grateful I am for BOHCC’s help. Without it, I don’t know what I would have done but now I can stay safe and keep my pet while healing from the abuse I experienced. Now, my pet is healthy and fully up to date on their vaccinations as well which is just a big weight off my shoulders overall.
Survivor -Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I was referred to Beacon of Hope Crisis Center after experiencing domestic violence and called their crisis line to learn more about how they could help me. They explained their services, and the intake process, and started asking about my situation. When talking with the advocate, I told them I had experienced strangulation. They asked me a series of questions to get an understanding of the head and neck trauma I endured. My abuser strangled me on multiple occasions with their hands, cords, and even a pair of pants. They also hit me in the head with their gun and threw a lot of different objects at me throughout our relationship. After being strangled, I was dazed and confused, which the advocate said could be due to the lack of oxygen. Following the incident, I had red spots on my face and neck. They explained more about the health risks associated with strangulation and gave me a referral to a community partner for a medical assessment. I was grateful for the resources and to hear all their services are free. After everything I’ve been through, I finally have a way out, and I am so glad that I met Beacon of Hope Crisis Center and can begin to heal.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called the crisis line at Beacon of Hope Crisis Center because I needed help finding counseling and support groups. For months, I experienced all kinds of abuse that made me feel alone and powerless. The violent acts included physical, emotional, psychological, and verbal abuse. I lost myself and became even more isolated as the abuse got worse. Finally, I left my abuser and tried to forget I ever met them. I was barely functioning, struggling to work and take care of myself. I learned this wasn’t something I could ignore, and realized I really needed to talk to someone.
During the first call, the advocate asked me questions and listened as I explained more about what I went through. It was difficult to talk about but they validated my feelings. They also allowed me time to open up so I felt more comfortable. After hearing about the strangulation I experienced, they educated me on the life-threatening health risks it can have. I didn’t realize how bad strangulation injuries could be, so I was grateful for the information and referral they provided. They also helped me understand more about domestic violence services that were available. I was most interested in counseling, financial assistance, and safety planning. I felt better by the end of our conversation and a sense of relief from opening up. I thanked them for answering all of my questions. I’m so glad that I called. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I met with a victim advocate in the hospital after being attacked by my abuser. I have suffered years of physical, emotional, and verbal abuse, but it never had gotten bad enough for me to have to seek medical care. The most recent incident was the worst, my abuser physically assaulted and strangled me. I was still very shaken and in pain when I went to get help. The advocate there first explained victim services and reminded me that what happened was not my fault. I wanted to report what happened and get all of this over with. The advocate waited in the room with me until the police showed up. I was very nervous to talk to the police because I’ve never had to speak with an officer before. The advocate stayed with me the entire time and offered emotional support. I was also scared I made a mistake in reporting to the police, but the advocate made me feel so reassured. They acknowledged how scary it is to come forward after experiencing domestic violence for so long, even if you know it’s the right thing to do.
The advocate stayed with me the entire time I was in the hospital. They talked to me about available resources, including information about a community partner that could help me since I experienced strangulation. I also learned about the severe health impacts it can have. Before the advocate left, they worked on a safety plan with me and ensured that I had the agency’s crisis line number and a safe place to go when I left the hospital. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I connected with Beacon of Hope Crisis Center after my child experienced physical and verbal abuse. I was glad that an advocate called because I was worried about making a report to the Department of Child Services. I have never had to make a report before and it worried me. I had a lot of questions and concerns about what working with DCS would be like. The advocate walked me through the reporting process. After that, I felt much better about making the report. I went on to explain we were also receiving threats from my child’s abuser. The advocate scheduled a time for a protective order meeting and made a safety plan to help keep me and my child safe. The safety plan really helped me feel a lot better and more prepared. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me, especially since I know I have the support of this agency behind me.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
An advocate from Beacon of Hope Crisis Center offered free advocacy services. It was nice to know someone could help but I wasn't sure what I needed. I recently relocated to a new state to escape my abusive partner, and I was trying to figure out where to go. I have suffered years of physical, verbal, and emotional abuse, sometimes being abused in front of my children. I was desperate to find someplace safe for all of us. The advocate provided me with a lot of shelter options that might be able to take my family. They also explained other services like counseling that would help us adjust and process the trauma we faced. I can’t express how thankful I am for their help. The last time we spoke, I kept saying thank you! We were able to find shelter and soon after I found transitional housing that offered us more independence. I am looking forward to working with the agency and healing from the abuse.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I have been receiving services from Beacon of Hope Crisis Center for a while. I had been in a horribly abusive situation for many years and was waiting for an opportunity to escape. When we first connected, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to leave my abuser at all; however, by time we reconnected, I had changed my mind. They sent me a variety of housing resources over the course of a couple of weeks to ensure that I was able to find a new home near family. Thanks to their help, I was able to find a place I liked and finally felt a sense of freedom. As soon as I found it, I started plans to move while my abuser was out of town.
I have grown so much thanks to Beacon of Hope Crisis Center’s advocates. I used to be afraid of uprooting my life and leaving what I was familiar with.. Now, I am not only ready to leave my situation, but I am taking steps to do so immediately with the support of my family and this agency. I feel so empowered, and I cannot wait to thrive outside of this relationship. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
When I contacted Beacon of Hope, I was emotionally drained because of the abuse I was experiencing and the other problems in my life the abuse was causing. I was on the verge of losing my apartment, and I just wanted to have some peace. I was so stressed out and felt like I would never get my abuser to leave me alone. The advocate at Beacon of Hope told me about filing a protection order, and I thought it was a good idea. During the call, there were several times where they told me to take a moment or two to breathe before we continued our discussion. It felt like they knew when I was overwhelmed and gave me breaks as needed. This emotional support was what I needed more than anything else at that moment, and I was happy that they provided that even without me asking. By the end of the call, I was able to calm down, and we created a plan together for my next steps. I am so happy I reached out to them because now I know someone can help me heal and move forward.
Survivor- Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I wanted to meet with a victim advocate for a protective order meeting. I desperately needed protection because of the domestic violence I was experiencing, but scheduling was difficult. I was working multiple jobs and taking care of my family through all of this. They offered a variety of times to find what would work best for me. I didn't expect them to be so flexible, that alone was a relief. During the meeting, the victim advocate gathered all the necessary information for the order. Then we started talking about the incidents of abuse I wanted to focus on. It was difficult to try to find the right words to describe the psychological, emotional, financial, and physical abuse. Thankfully the advocate found a way to explain the incidents and how they've impacted my daily life. I'm grateful they were there to walk me through the petition or I would have felt lost. Talking about the abuse can be overwhelming but they were there to validate my emotions along the way. The next day the protection order was granted. When they called to let me know, I was over the moon. I am so grateful to Beacon of Hope Crisis Center!
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I recently spoke with a victim advocate about my history of domestic violence and difficulties I’ve experienced since leaving. My abuser used my personal information to pull out lines of credit in my name. I had no idea that my abuser had done this until we met for a financial wellness meeting. We pulled my credit score together and started finding discrepancies on my credit report. My abuser had secretly been opening credit cards in my name to finance trips and other non-essential items. I was shocked, but my advocate immediately stepped in. They helped me create a plan to report the discrepancies and to protect my personal information.
When they checked in, I was excited to share I’ve been able to repair my credit score. I also found a new job that I am passionate about. I am so thankful to my advocate for helping me conquer my fear of managing my finances. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center for help filing a Protection Order on behalf of my child. I was upset because my child’s caregiver had put them in harm's way. My biggest fear is having my child grow up facing the same abuses I did. I am working to end the generational cycle of violence that caused me pain for so long. The person I was filing the Protection Order against had been abusive to me as well. I felt guilt and shame for not speaking out sooner. The victim advocate reassured me and helped me understand it was not my fault.
After helping me file the Protection Order, the next day, the victim advocate called and told me it was granted. I am sad that the situation had to get to the point of filing an order, but I know I did what was needed to protect my child. I am so grateful for the agency’s help and for their continued support. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I met with an advocate to file a Protective Order on behalf of my child who was a victim of sexual assault. It was difficult to talk about but I am grateful I did not have to do it alone. The advocate called me to tell me they received notice that the PO had officially been granted for two years, and the respondent had already been served. When I heard my child’s PO was granted, all I wanted to do is cry out of pure happiness. This was a big step for us and my child can feel finally start to feel safe again.
After processing that great news, I mentioned that my child’s abuser was always driving by our home. The advocate went through an in-depth safety plan with me. They also gave me the contact information for the Prosecutor’s Office when I mentioned charges had not been filed against my child’s abuser and how I was concerned about why it was taking so long. The advocate walked me through how to get updates about our case. I also told the advocate I was interested in potentially relocating, so they said they would do some research and send us long-term housing referrals. At the end of our conversation, I couldn’t help but feel emotional and extremely thankful. I am so happy they reached out to me and answered all the questions I had about the case and everything else. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I sent a Facebook message to Beacon of Hope asking for help for my family. We had been experiencing domestic violence and needed assistance. Shortly after messaging, I spoke with them on the phone, and they explained how they could help and what services were available. This included filing a PO and help relocating. It was overwhelming to think about leaving but I knew it was time to act. Violence was increasing and I was fearful things would only continue to get worse. We scheduled a meeting to file a protective order. They also asked about our housing needs and followed up with those resources. We continued working together as things came up, they answered all my questions, and made me feel a sense of security. I am so thankful for their help, and I appreciate how quickly they called me after receiving my Facebook message.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called my advocate because I noticed some weird activity in my bank account. They encouraged me to reach out to my bank to report the strange behavior and add a dual verification log-in for my online banking account. When my bank investigated the fraudulent behavior, they found out my abuser had accessed my account without my knowledge and made transfers to their account. I told my advocate about this because I was shaken up and started having flashbacks of the abuse after I found out. I had felt like I was free, and now it felt like I was back at square one. I reported the bank incident to the police since there is an active Protection Order in place, and I wanted to receive the money taken from my account. My advocate and I created a technology safety plan to protect and monitor the rest of my accounts.
After creating this plan, I felt safer and like I was making progress to feel more like myself. I am so thankful for my advocate’s help and guidance through this process. I would not have known what to do, but my advocate showed me the way and supported me through the entire process. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I felt lost and alone after years of experiencing domestic violence. An advocate from Beacon of Hope Crisis Center called me after an incident was reported to the police. They explained the free services they offered and helped me connect with the detective on my case. During our first meeting, we filed a Protection Order and they asked questions about my housing needs. They provided shelters and other housing resources. They also sent listings within my budget. It was a really stressful time for me, but the advocate called every day to check in and see how my search was going.
I was committed to finding new long-term housing but I had no luck for a week and was getting scared. Finally, I received the good news that I would be able to move into an apartment, and I received a hotel voucher for the time being. It was a relief to know I would have a place to stay, but I was still anxious because I didn’t know if my protection order would be granted or not. A few days later, my victim advocate called and told me that my protection order had been granted and would not expire for two years. I cried; I was so happy to hear that. Their persistence and their checkups really helped me get through this stressful time, and I am so happy that things are finally going well after weeks of stress and anxiety. Beacon of Hope helped me so much, and I cannot thank them enough. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I wanted to file an emergency Protective Order because I was afraid my abuser was going to kill me. After a brief intake, I was able to get a meeting for the next morning scheduled. I told the advocate about the severe strangulation I had experienced at the hands of my abuser. I have been strangled until I have passed out many times. After sharing, the advocate strongly recommended that I seek medical treatment since I have never sought medical attention in the past. I was always terrified to go to the hospital because my abuser has threatened to kill me if I ever contacted the police or sought medical treatment. The advocate offered law enforcement and hospital accompaniment. They also explained my rights as a victim. At the end of our meeting, they recommended that I apply to the Address Confidentiality Program once we found new housing.
I remember crying, and the advocate was so caring, asking if I still wanted to submit the PO. I explained that I did but felt more emotional than I expected. I have not talked openly about the abuse I experienced for many years, and they actually listened to me and cared about my well-being. I can’t begin to thank them enough for their generosity and for taking the time to listen to my story. Thank you, Beacon of Hope. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I needed help figuring out where I would go and how I would stay safe after when I fled domestic violence. After learning about Beacon of Hope's Foster Pet Program, I got emotional thinking about my pet. I told them how my pet sleeps under the covers in bed with me at night. My pet loves all people and is an emotional animal who can detect my moods and emotions. Whenever my abuser became violent towards me, my pet would run to another room to hide. I would comfort my pet after the incidents, and they would lean on me for comfort. We are sources of comfort for each other in life.
I remember when the advocate called to tell me that they could help and had a foster family available. I cried because I was so relieved, but I was so sad that I had to separate from my pet. It was bittersweet, but I was mostly relieved because I knew my pet would be safe. I told them how thankful I was and worked to coordinate a meeting to transfer my pet the next day. Before saying goodbye, I gave my scarf to the advocate so that they could bring it with my pet to the foster caregiver’s home so my pet could have an item that smelled familiar. It was so difficult to leave, but the advocate reassured me that this was the right decision for us at this moment and that my pet would be in good hands. I received updates that my pet was adjusting quickly and was very warm with the foster family. I was so happy to hear that my fur-baby was in a safe and loving foster home that was caring and affectionate. The victim advocate even sent me photos of my pet cuddling on the foster caregiver’s couch. If it were not for their program, my pet might have had to stay at an animal shelter, and I may have had to relinquish my pet. Because of this program, my pet was safe while I relocated and healed from domestic violence. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I am a survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault, and strangulation. I reached out because I needed help with filing a Protective Order. The advocate I spoke with was able to schedule a PO appointment for the next day. I told the advocate that I wanted to include images to show the injuries I had from past incidents. I talked to them about my abuse history and shared that I was sexually assaulted and strangled by my abuser. The advocate told me about how important it is to seek out medical treatment for strangulation and recommended that I see a doctor to ensure that there were no long-term effects. It was difficult but I also told them how my children had been severely abused in the past. The advocate was calm, helpful, and made me feel more comfortable submitting the PO.
A couple of hours after my meeting, the victim advocate told me the PO was granted ex parte for two years. I cannot begin to explain how thankful I am for all their help and how grateful I am that this agency is here. The agency and my advocate supported me when I felt like I was alone, and they also gave me dignity. I know my advocate will be there to continue answering my questions and provide resources that will help me obtain safe, long-term housing. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center on behalf of my grandchild, who was a victim of sexual assault. The advocate helped us file a Protective Order, and it was granted shortly after our meeting for two years. The courts also set a hearing date. The advocate helped prepare us for the hearing and explained why it was set. They answered our questions along the way and sent us legal referrals so we could have representation for the hearing.
It didn’t take long for us to find an attorney, thanks to their help. My family and I are so thankful for the help and research they did for us. I appreciate it so much. I am so relieved now that we have a protective order and support from advocates. I feel like my family can finally heal thanks to Beacon of Hope Crisis Center. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I am a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence, and I have been working with the agency to improve my financial situation. During an Economic Sustainability Meeting, I let the victim advocate know that I could not focus. They asked if everything was alright, and I remember bursting into tears. After our meeting the previous week, I tried to build my budget, but I felt overwhelmed because the result showed that I would have a negative income. It was a relief to have someone listen to me talk about how frustrated and angry I was about my situation. Once I calmed down a bit, the victim advocate spoke to me about ways to ground myself if I ever got overwhelmed. They also made me feel normal by telling me I wasn’t alone in feeling overwhelmed by my finances.
We ended up taking a break from our regularly scheduled module for the day and focused on working on my budget together. I felt heard and seen, and they even connected me with some resources to help with my financial situation. At the end of the meeting, I felt better prepared to handle my finances, and I am actually looking forward to our next Economic Sustainability meeting. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I completed an emergency Protective Order with a victim advocate at Beacon of Hope. I am a survivor of domestic violence, and I had filed a Protective Order on my own, but it was denied. The advocate set up an appointment with me quickly, and after normal business hours, I was so grateful for them for adjusting to help me. I had been abused for several years and felt clueless about the process of a protection order. Before our meeting, the advocate was able to tell me about what a protection order offers, the process of getting one, what to expect during the meeting, and the possible outcomes of filing for an order. Shortly after our meeting, they called to let me know the protection order was granted for two years. I don’t think I’ve ever cried from happiness before that moment. I was so happy that it was granted and so quickly. They have helped me more than they will ever know.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I went to an organization for help that recommended I call Beacon of Hope Crisis Center. I just wanted more information about an upcoming PO hearing I had, but they helped me with so much more. When we first spoke, I told them about my situation and the abuse I had endured over several months, including domestic violence and stalking/harassment. They talked to me about completing a legal referral application so that I could have legal representation at my hearing. I told them I was interested, and we were able to schedule an appointment for the following day.
During our conversation, I told them how I felt sad and ashamed that this was happening to me. I also told my advocate how terrified I was that my abuser would retaliate and carry out the homicidal threats they had made recently. They reassured me. They calmed me down by telling me how I did not deserve to go through any of the abuse and harassment I have endured for several months. They also told me that I was courageous for contacting law enforcement, filing a report, and reaching out to their agency for help. It was like they knew the right thing to say. It made me cry because it was so nice to feel supported. I am so incredibly grateful for their agency, and thanks to all their help, I feel like I can finally move forward with my life. Survivor- Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I emailed the victim advocate at Beacon of Hope Crisis Center that had helped me through my journey to give them an update. They reached out, and I was happy to let me know that I had contacted the attorney that their agency referred me to. Now that I am in contact with a lawyer, I finally feel at peace with my situation. I am so grateful for my victim advocate because, thanks to them, I will have legal representation at my upcoming custody hearing. The victim advocate was also one of the only people to validate my situation and feelings. I have been a victim of domestic violence for many years. I felt tired and hopeless for so long, and I even thought about suicide at a particularly low point in my life. Thanks to the agency and my victim advocate, who provided me with legal services, helped me obtain an attorney and listened to my story, I finally feel like I have a purpose in life. I’m ready to build a life of my own and take control.
Survivor- Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
The victim advocate at Beacon of Hope Crisis Center called me to follow up and see how I was feeling after receiving an update that my PO had been approved and is now active. I told them how happy I was that it had been approved, and how despite my happiness, I still felt fearful and uneasy. After everything I’ve been through, I was scared that my abuser would try to retaliate somehow. The victim advocate calmed me down by going over how to report PO violations and spent a lot of time going over the information to make sure I felt comfortable doing so. We also went over a safety plan. They answered all of my questions about my rights as a victim and how the criminal justice process works. They told me to call their crisis line or email them if I had any additional questions or concerns. I remember apologizing because I felt like I had bombarded them with questions, but they assured me that I had great questions and that they would always be happy to answer them and provide services to me. I am so thankful for the people at this agency for their patience and help during this trying period.
Survivor- Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called the crisis line after being victimized by my family members. While we were going through the intake process, the victim advocate asked who assaulted me. I was so overwhelmed by emotion and the situation as a whole that I couldn’t speak for a second. The advocate told me to take a moment to breathe and continue once I was ready. That gave me the reassurance to continue. I told the advocate about how I felt betrayed and hurt that my family would physically attack me. We continued talking, and I opened up about my experiences. I told them about the abuse and harassment I experienced from multiple family members. I was scared there would be another attack, so we discussed safety planning. Then the advocate explained all the services they offer. I wanted to get a Protective Order first thing, and I plan to start counseling. At the end of the call, I was still emotional, but I felt relief because I now had a plan to stay safe. I thanked the advocate for listening to me, and they let them know they would be in touch with counseling resources. The next week, I filed a protective order, and we have started working on my long-term goals. I am so thankful to the agency because now I feel safer, and I can actually work towards being happy and successful.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I am a survivor of domestic violence, and I called asking for legal services. The victim advocate completed an intake and asked me about what services I might need. Before this, I had never called a crisis line, and I felt embarrassed to be asking for help. At first, I was hesitant and nervous about sharing information about my situation. The advocate seemed to understand me. Throughout the call, they repeatedly reassured me that our conversation was confidential. They made me feel validated as well, and so I agreed to complete the intake. By the end of the call, I felt much better about reaching out and was so thankful. The advocate had such a calming voice, which reassured me during this stressful process.
During the call, we discussed counseling services within their agency. I agreed that counseling would be a good idea, and I was grateful for the follow-up and information. The advocate also emailed me legal referrals I requested. I’m grateful to have an advocate to answer my questions and hear my concerns. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I had been working with a victim advocate for a few months, looking for employment. My abuser refused to let me work, and the gap in my employment had been a barrier for months. Together, we worked on my resume and did mock interviews to help me gain confidence.
Finally, I was offered a wonderful job, but I wasn’t sure if I would accept it because I would not have childcare. I emailed the victim advocate at Beacon of Hope Crisis Center and explained my situation. They offered me childcare resources, but I still felt conflicted. I was determined to accept this job, though. A few days later, the victim advocate checked in with me, and I let them know that I was able to find childcare through my new employer. I was ecstatic because this new job provided financial security that I had never had before. Honestly, I am so thankful to Beacon of Hope Crisis Center and my victim advocate at the agency for the support and assistance. I would not have been able to have the confidence to advocate for myself with childcare providers and my employer if they had not been assisting me. I am incredibly proud of how far I’ve come. During my first meeting with Beacon of Hope Crisis Center, I questioned if I would ever recover from the severe psychological and financial abuse I had endured. Now, I am making progress towards a better future for my family. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I was living in fear that my abuser would kidnap my child. My abuser had used my child as a control tactic in the past. I felt like I had nowhere to turn, and I was terrified each time my child was in my abuser’s care. My victim advocate helped connect me with a local legal clinic that helped me file for custody through the court system. Financially, I was supporting my child on my own, and through the court system, I was successful in modifying our custody agreement and obtaining child support. I wasn’t interested in working with the court before but with the help of my victim advocate I finally understood my options. I am very thankful for Beacon of Hope’s help. I finally feel some peace.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I had been working very hard to become independent and support myself and my child. I was so happy when the Beacon of Hope advocate called because I had just been offered a job position and needed help. I was really excited about the job opportunity; however, I would need childcare in order to accept it. My advocate helped me complete a childcare referral the next day. We were able to find childcare that fit my needs. I was also interested in learning more about savings and finances, so we also scheduled an appointment for an Economic Sustainability Meeting for the next week. I am so thankful for Beacon of Hope’s programs and continued support. I feel so much more prepared and closer to independence.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
When I called the victim advocate at Beacon of Hope Crisis Center, I was panicking about my abuser. My abuser had threatened to get a protective order against me, and I was freaking out. The victim advocate calmed me down, and we were able to talk more about the situation. After we spoke about my situation, they explained to me how the protective order process works, what kind of things are looked for on a protection order, and told me I had the option to appeal the protection order, if necessary. They also talked to me about legal referrals to help me if the time came where I would need it. I was so grateful for all the information and help. It made me feel more confident, and I now know I can call Beacon of Hope whenever things get rough or if I am confused about what steps to take.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I am a survivor of domestic violence and strangulation and had previously worked with a victim advocate. So, when I found out I had an unexpected Protective Order hearing coming up, I immediately called Beacon of Hope. I was really nervous and practically hysterical at the beginning of our conversation, but my advocate was able to calm me down. They told me what to expect at the Protective Order hearing and what I could do to prepare. After speaking with them, I felt more at ease and confident about my situation and narrative regarding what my abuser had done to me. I am so incredibly thankful that they took the time to help me prepare for my upcoming hearing.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center wanting to file a protective order on behalf of my child. It took me some time to process what to do after reporting the incidents to the police, but I knew I needed help. On the call, I explained that my child was sexually assaulted and needed protection. They were able to schedule a protective order appointment quickly. Later that week, we met over the phone and completed the protective order. The advocate explained the process to us and what to expect next. This was helpful in gaining some understanding, but I still feared my child would be re-victimized in the process. We discussed my concerns and I was also provided a counseling referral so that my child could start processing their trauma. At the close of our meeting, we set a follow up appointment for additional safety planning. I am so thankful for their help with filing the protective order, and my child is looking forward to beginning counseling.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I met with a victim advocate for my first Economic Sustainability Meeting. During this meeting, we went over a section on financial empowerment. We were able to create an in-depth financial safety plan. I never had a say in my family's spending when I was with my abuser. It's safe to say that I never thought that I would ever be making a budget or having a say in where my money would be spent, so even the thought of building a budget to save money for a new apartment was exciting for me.
After we finished the module, we discussed my next steps, and we talked about my future. I told the advocate I had not thought much about my future, but I knew that I wanted to buy a home and go back to school at some point. They gave me resources for my future goals so that I could be prepared when moving forward. I am very thankful for their help. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called the Beacon of Hope crisis line. I received the number from a hospital partner of theirs after receiving medical services for injuries from my abuse. I held onto the number until I was ready to call. I was struggling with mental health difficulties and wanted to discuss ways to keep safe and connected to services. We first talked about resources in the area that could assist with my mental health needs. We then went over ideas and strategies to keep me safe from abuse. I felt isolated and hopeless before the call. I was grateful to have someone to talk to at that moment. Through consistent services and lots of supportive listening we discovered that my mental health issues were actually symptoms of a traumatic brain injury from years of repeated strangulation. The team at Beacon of Hope Crisis Center understood and offered me compassion and support. They've changed my life.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I needed an emergency protective order. My safety was at risk and the violence and harassment were escalating and shifting towards my family members. I wanted to add several family members to the protective order to help keep them safe too. I was scared that I would have to go to court to prove that this protection was necessary and impacting my family and I. After one day, I got a notification that my protective order was granted, and all my family members were added as well. I am very happy that the courts agreed with me and I am beyond thankful for the support Beacon of Hope was able to provide.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I needed a place to go because of ongoing issues with my abuser. I was panicking because I thought there were no options. My advocate was able to calm me down and create a plan for me. They gave me shelter referrals, talked about safety, and told me they were here if I needed support or any more referrals. I was just so happy to be able to have someone who I could talk to and who could help me stay on track. Things are better now that I am not dealing with this alone.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I was having trouble e-filing my protective order so I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center. They set an appointment for me to meet with a victim advocate who could walk me through filing and make sure the document was submitted. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulder, I was so glad that they had a solution for my struggles. They also offered an explanation of the process and helped me understand what to expect.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center because I was looking for assistance with long term housing. I had been looking for a while and wasn’t having any luck. They gave me several referrals and websites to look for housing. They also offered their other services like protection order filing assistance, economic sustainability, and safety planning. I was so glad they could help me and that I wasn’t alone during this process. Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
A Beacon of Hope advocate helped me file my protection order over the phone. I was so frustrated with my situation and the protection order was my last hope to gain some sort of protection from my abuser. I thought I had lost my chance. I was worried about being able to pay bills on top of the stress that comes with trying to flee from an abuser during this time. My protection order was granted with a hearing. For the first time, I felt heard and a sense of hope thanks to Beacon of Hope.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center because after facing domestic violence, I needed to find a place to stay. I was panicking because I had just escaped from my abuser that day. I was scared and felt like I had nowhere to go. The advocate really helped me. They told me about shelters in the area that were still accepting people during this pandemic. By the time we stopped talking, I felt more confident in my plan to leave. I felt hopeful that tomorrow would be a better day.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I felt very frustrated after trying to file a protection order on my own. I didn’t know if anything would be open when I called. I was scared I wouldn’t be able to file. Luckily, I reached an advocate at Beacon of Hope. They walked me through filing a protection order and making a safety plan. I was so happy that there was help filing a protection order, especially on the weekend. I am so grateful for their help. They listened and gave me the resources I needed.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I called Beacon of Hope Crisis Center because I felt like I was trapped with my abuser. I was isolated from family and friends because of them. Over the last few weeks, the abuse started to escalate. I needed help making a plan even though I wasn’t sure what to plan for. An advocate helped me work through a safety plan and referred me to local shelters. Honestly, I was just thankful to hear another voice on the other end of the line. Thanks to Beacon of Hope, I know what my next moves are.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
Beacon of Hope helped me reunite with my beloved pets after I successfully fled, relocated, and started a new job in healthcare. I’d come so far over a few months and was ready for them to come home. I was so grateful to the foster family for taking care of them during this time. When I arrived, my pets jumped for joy and ran up to greet me! I was so happy that they were safe and taken care of. Later that day, I reached out to tell Beacon of Hope how thankful I was. They helped me get to this point. I’m so ready to get started with my new life with my babies by my side.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
A few months ago, I met with an advocate to talk about my long term goals and the barriers I was facing. I was living with my abuser and I wanted out. I started saving up enough money to get a home of my own but I wanted to discuss a financial plan first. We identified my major expenses, how much rent I could afford, and the type of income I would like to make. We then searched for homes and jobs that fit my financial plan. I now have a job that pays well and I’m moving into my new home next week. Beacon of Hope told me they are planning to work with their community partners to give me some furniture for my new home. I’m now ready to create a new financial plan to start saving for my children’s future. With some guidance and support from Beacon of Hope, I am now reaching my goals.
Survivor - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |