A client reached out through our crisis line because we assist with Protective Order filing for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Our client had tried to complete a Protective Order on their own and it was denied. When I talked with the client, they stated they felt overwhelmed and confused by the process of filing a PO. They said they had tried their best but felt they had made errors in their first attempt. I walked my client through each step of the form and explained the meaning and expectations of each section. My client thanked me for my assistance and said they were grateful they found us.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
My client called feeling disheartened and confused. They survived significant abuse, fled from their abuser, and filed a successful protective order, but they still felt defeated. Because of the physical abuse they had experience, they were no longer able work at the same job. They were now unemployed and unable to provide for their young child. My client is a non-native English speaker and an immigrant to this country. They had very low confidence in their abilities and job prospects. My client and I worked on their resume and cover letter to highlight their accomplishments and skills. We then found a position that would allow them to provide for their child and grow in their skills. My client left feeling confident and empowered.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
A new client called our crisis line for the first time today. They received our number from a hospital we partner with after receiving medical services for injuries from their abuse. My client held onto our number until they were ready to call. My client was struggling with mental health difficulties and wanted to discuss ways to keep safe and connected to services. We first talked about resources in the area that could assist with their mental health needs. We then went over ideas and strategies to keep my client safe from abuse. My client reported feeling isolated and hopeless before the call. They were grateful to have someone to talk to them in their time of crisis. Our crisis line allows survivors to receive the help they need with compassion and support.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I had a client who needed a Protective Order as soon as possible. They did not speak English; so I contacted our language services partner to schedule with an interpreter. Through both phone and in-person appointments I was able to effectively communicate with my client. My client was very nervous about this entire situation, so they asked quite a few questions about the process of filing a Protective Order. I answered their questions to help ease their nerves. My client asked for food pantry referrals at the end of our meeting, of which I was able to provide to them, as well. They were very thankful that we took the time to find an interpreter to meet their needs.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
My client reached out to let me know they were finally ready for a protective order. We had met a few weeks previously to develop a safety plan. While we discussed a protective order, my client was not willing to file against them at the time. They hoped that things would calm down and it would not be necessary. Unfortunately, that was not the case and my client called me to talk about their options. They were grateful for not being judged and feeling supported throughout their journey of survival. I was able to reassure my client that they were making the choices that worked best for them and that I would walk them through the whole process. My client thanked me and is filing a protective order later this week.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I received a crisis call from a client who has a disability. They explained they had not been able to receive much help with any other organization, of which they were frustrated about. They were interested in filing a Protective Order against their abuser, since they were a victim of a sexual assault and domestic violence. We were able to complete a phone appointment to file the PO together. I submitted the PO to the courthouse on their behalf the same day. My client was extremely grateful that our agency was able to assist them through this process, as they mentioned they were about to just give up. We provided this client with hope. They mentioned that they’re forever grateful.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I received a crisis call from an active client of mine. They mentioned they needed assistance with obtaining childcare, as they were also pregnant and needed a safe place for their children to be during the day. I was able to call my client and complete a childcare referral application over the phone. I submitted the application as soon as we got off the phone together. They were extremely grateful that they were able to have their application submitted on their behalf. They stated that they were happy our agency was still able to provide advocacy over the phone, even with the health concerns due to COVID-19.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I received a crisis call from a Detective at a local police department. They were calling on behalf of a domestic violence victim, who needed shelter for the night, as they were terrified to go back home. The client came into our office that afternoon, where they kept mentioning that they were exhausted from dealing with their abusive partner. We called some domestic violence shelters around the area. The client was able to find a spot at a shelter nearby, of which they were extremely happy about. My client told me this would be the first night in over a year where they would get more than just a couple hours of sleep a night. Beacon of Hope was also able to provide transportation for my client to safely get to the shelter. They were entirely grateful that our agency was able to help with finding a safe place to stay for a little while.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
This week I met with a client who is currently homeless. They are staying at a shelter and looking for long term employment. This client has survived and escaped domestic violence and wants better life for themselves. During our meeting, I looked over my clients resume. Together were formatted and expanded their resume to look more professional. My client had many skills, experiences, and abilities that they were not recognizing or noting on the resume. We then looked for jobs in the area that they were able to get to by walking or by bus. We also found a library in walking distance they can go to each day to apply for jobs online. My client left with links to open positions, an updated resume, and a newfound sense of confidence in their own abilities. Next week we are going to discuss budgeting skills for when their paychecks start arriving.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
A caller on the crisis line reached out for support. They had a friend who had a long history of domestic violence with their partner. Their friend was also a part of the LGBTQ+ community so struggled without a strong support system from friends and family. The caller was worried that their friend had returned to their abuser out of state and was in danger. First, we discussed some basic safety planning if the friend reached back out. I then connected the caller to the local police station where the victim had fled so police could do a welfare check. Finally, I told the caller to have their friend give us a call if they were interested in talking to an advocate. The caller reached back out to us later in the day to thank me for the assistance and reassurance. They felt that they knew what next steps to take and how to best support their friend.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
A client expressed that they were unable to make their rent payment this month. The client had lost their job due to domestic violence too, which is why they were behind on their rent. They had a job lined up that will help with future rent payments but needed help meeting the deadline for the previous months. We were able to provide the funding for this client so that they had no outstanding balance on their account. Calling my client to tell them that they no longer needed to worry about the previous rent payments was a relief. They said that they no longer felt so overwhelmed and through this financial assistance, they would now be able to focus on getting their life back together, free from the repercussions of domestic violence.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I had received a crisis call from my client, they said they were ready to file for a Protective Order against their abuser. I made an appointment with my client the next day to do a protective order over the phone. While we were talking on the phone about their situation, my client mentioned their abuser has been very physically, emotionally and verbally abusive towards the child they shared together. Since the child abuse has been occurring and my client has not been present at any of these incidents, we filed a separate Protective Order for the child. We were able to submit two protective orders in the same day, of which the client said they felt very relieved and a giant weight had been lifted off their chest. They were extremely grateful that we had taken the time to listen and validate their story, as well as their child’s story.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
A parent called on behalf of their child to report sexual assault. The parent was feeling overwhelmed and upset that their child had been assaulted. When they first called the crisis line, they did not know what to do. I talked with the parent and came up with a plan and steps we could take together. The parent was worried about the child’s abuser continuing to contact and harass them. I met with the victim and drafted a protective order with them. The victim was scared, confused and hurt after experiencing the assault. They said they would feel better if we could put something in place to keep them safe. The protective order was granted by the judge the next day. The victim can now know there are measures in place to keep them safe from their abuser.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
Our client called the crisis line unsure of what they were experiencing. This client was being physically assaulted by a family member and did not know how to keep themselves safe. During the crisis call, we discussed strategies and ideas to keep the client safe, including a protective order. We were able to schedule a protective order for later in the week that worked around our client’s work schedule. A protective order was completed during our meeting and the client felt relieved. The said that Beacon of Hope had been such a great resource for them when they were lost and confused. Our client felt heard after their crisis call and protective order meeting and no longer felt alone or defeated.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
Some clients who have experienced domestic violence feel that their trauma doesn’t “count” because the power and control from their abuser was more financially and emotionally manipulative than physical. I met with a client this week who had experienced significant emotional abuse from their spouse and needed legal assistance with a divorce and custody. When this client came in, they were full of doubt and sadness. They felt overwhelmed at the steps involved in breaking the cycle of violence they were trapped in and felt that their abuse was not significant enough to require our help. I reassured our client that their experience was valid. I educated them on the cycle of abuse and the common ways abusers use power and control over victims. I also assisted the client in filling out a legal referral so they could have representation. This client was relieved to feel supported and cared for at Beacon of Hope. My client emailed me later in the week to let me know that they connected with an attorney and thanked me for my support and kindness. Beacon of Hope is able to walk with victims towards a life free from abuse.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
This week I helped a client file for a protective order against their abuser who committed both sexual and domestic violence. My client was very pleased with the narratives in the protective order and found that the wording that we used was very effective in helping explain how they felt during all the incidents. Helping clients file for protective orders is so important and it helped my client understand parts of the legal system. My client was able to feel comfortable disclosing, and we were able fill out a victim compensation form. My client had a very severe situation, but said through our agency, they felt supported and comfortable with going through the next steps.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
One of my clients had been strangled multiple times by their abuser over a long period. My client disclosed this to me and did not seem to know much about the delayed affects that strangulation can have on a person. During an in-person meeting with my client, I was able to educate them on the severity of both long term and short term effects of strangulation. My client was very surprised to hear that they could still be experiencing symptoms, and the headaches my client has might be a part of that previous strangulation. My client, asked me to attend the hospital visit with them at Center of Hope. We were able to make a time together and provided support for my client while they had a CT scan. My client was relieved when it came back clear and that their abuser had not caused any underlying brain damage. My client was very grateful and happy that we are able to provide that service, since it made it easier on them to get the check-up.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
This week we received a call from a SANE Nurse requesting an advocate. They needed an advocate to speak with a victim who was planning to make a report of domestic violence. When I arrived, the victim’s child was with them, so we briefly went over the role of a victim advocate and I started gathering basic information. During this time, we worked on calling shelters. The victim was fearful that they would not be able to find space and would have to return to their abuser. In that moment I was able to reassure them that under no circumstances did they have to go back. After we found space for the victim and their child, it was time to make the report. I sat with the victim while they reported the abuse to an officer. Once this was over, I talked with them about other services we offer. The victim was very grateful to have an advocate be there for them in a time when they needed the most help.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
This week we had a victim call concerning our Foster Pet Program. The victim needed a safe place for their animals to go. The victim could not think of making sure they had a place to stay until they knew their animals were safe. I was able to connect them with our Foster Pet Program Coordinator, who got them connected with a foster family for their animals. The animals are safely placed and the victim is now focusing on their own needs knowing that their animals are safe while they get back on their feet.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
This week, I met with a client who wanted to file a protection order on behalf of their child. My client wanted to file so that their child could flee an abusive relationship. Prior to last week, the abuse they witnessed was psychological and emotional. Suddenly that changed, their child became a victim of strangulation. They made sure that their child went to the hospital and doctors decided to put them on bed rest. Our client decided, enough is enough, and decided to empower not only their child but also themselves by getting a protective order. They clearly wanted to ensure that their child was not struggling alone.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I recently met with a victim of domestic violence in the ER and was able to discuss services and confirm that they had a safety plan in place for once discharged from the hospital. The victim had already found a shelter where they could stay and utilize their resources upon arrival. I made sure the victim knew that I could answer any questions they had, as well as offer additional resources if the ones offered at the shelter were not ideal. I believe they really appreciated having multiple options for services and knowing that BOHCC is available at any time.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I received a crisis call from an individual who was experiencing severe abuse in the form of physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual. The victim called in a panic explaining how they had nowhere to go that night and no family or friends that would be able to help. After speaking with them about services that BOHCC offers, they seemed much more calm and willing to utilize many of the resources I had mentioned. I was able to provide the victim with a list of shelter referrals and assured them that an advocate would reach out regarding additional services such as housing assistance, counseling, and protective order filing. I also ensured the victim that if they needed any additional assistance before an advocate is able to follow up, that I, along with many other advocates, would be ready to help.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
Recently one of our Foster Pet Program animals needed to be moved unexpectedly. Situations like these are usually difficult to navigate due to time constraints and scheduling. However, the foster mom was able to refer me to one of her friends that was willing to take the animal in. Within one day we were able to coordinate an alternative plan for this animal and complete the paperwork and home visit for the new foster. The new placement was secured quickly and smoothly. This made the transition between foster care givers stress-free, both for our program and the animal. We truly appreciate the work and care our Foster Pet Caregivers put into the animals they foster. Thank you to all of our caregivers for your endless support! We recognize your passion for helping both animals and people in need.
Foster Pet Program Coordinator / Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I recently went to the ER to speak with a minor who was a victim of sexual assault. Upon arrival, I learned that the victim’s parent was admitted into the ER and that they were very nervous to complete the exam without them present. Because of the unique circumstance, I made sure the victim felt comfortable by allowing them to ask any questions they had, squeeze my hand during the exam, offering emotional support, and listening to their story. The victim told me that I made them feel comfortable and that they appreciated my support and ability to answer their questions. I felt good knowing I made the victim’s visit to the hospital less scary and intimidating.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I met with walk-in client who came into our office in desperate need of a Protective Order. I was able to assist them with compiling their story, as they had never spoke about the abuse they have endured before coming into our office. They had told me they had been blamed in the past for being in an abusive situation. For this reason, it had taken several years for the victim to gather the courage to file a Protective Order and leave their abuser. They were happy that I believed their story when no one else has believed them in the past. It took a lot of courage for the victim to come into our office and they were happy I was there to listen and validate their story.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
My client called one morning stating they needed to come into our office right away to file an Emergency Protective Order. Once my client arrived, I was able to talk them through their current abusive situation, the custody battle they were going through, and to complete a legal referral. The survivor was emotional throughout the meeting, but I reiterated to the victim that it took a lot of courage for them to be there with me that day. They were more relaxed by the end of the meeting, as they stated they felt safer than they had in a long time. Soon after submitting their Protective Order, the judge granted it. My client was extremely happy and was thankful we were able to help them through this long, exhausting process.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I received an email from one my clients asking if an advocate would be able to attend court with them the following week. The hearing was in regards to their Protective Order, of which I had helped them file a few weeks ago. They mentioned they were extremely nervous about attending and did not want to face their abuser alone in the courtroom. They wanted additional support, as they told their story to the judge. I confirmed with my client that an advocate would be able to attend court with them and they were truly thankful, as they didn’t want to face their abuser alone. We also discussed what they could expect to hear in court and I answered their questions about the process. It is so important to support clients through court processes, like protective order filing, so they are prepared and confident when taking these steps for their safety.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
After receiving multiple police reports that listed the same victim over a few months, I was able to get in touch with them. At first, they were not interested in our services, but a few days after our initial conversation the client had changed their mind and was interested in our services. The victim was happy to know that our services were free because their abuser had been in control of all of their money for many years and could never afford to leave. After providing referrals to a few community resources, the victim had a plan to flee and was able to obtain an order of protection from the courts. Providing services that are free removes a huge barrier for many victims that I speak with. Financial abuse is present in approximately 90% of all domestic violence relationships, which causes a barrier for victims to leave. Breaking down those barriers to help victims find safe and financially secure lives can ultimately save lives.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
My client called our crisis line feeling distressed and worried about their safety. Their abuser had threatened to come to the home and harm them and their family. This client had already experienced years of abuse prior and continued to fear their safety and security. I first went over a safety plan with my client to discuss the best options to keep them safe for now. We then scheduled a protective order meeting to stop the abuser from coming to their home. After our protective order meeting, my client was so relieved. They thanked Beacon of Hope for making such a difficult and scary process feel safe and secure. My client struggles with anxiety from their domestic violence so I connected them to our on-staff counselor to provide free counseling sessions. Counseling can help survivors begin healing from trauma.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I have been working long term with a victim of domestic violence. This client is an immigrant to the United States and does not speak very much English. I was first able to provide a legal referral for my client to assist in divorcing their abuser. This client also wanted to file a protective order against their abuser. I set up a translator and completed a protective order with my client. The abuser has not been allowing the victim to see their children so we requested parenting time specifically within the protective order. My client felt relieved they were working towards staying safe and seeing their children. They were grateful to have a translator available to make the process easy and efficient.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
This week I responded to a hospital call that involved a minor that had been sexually assaulted. When I got to the hospital, the child was with their parent. Their parent was very distraught and overwhelmed. I was able to calm them down and provide them with a variety of resources. While I was there with the victim's parent, they mentioned how helpful I had been and how much more relaxed they feel due to my involvement. The client said they could start to see the light at the end of this due to my assistance. I was able to offer a protective order meeting for the following day, legal referral forms to be filled out, along with a safety plan. During the protective order meeting, I was able to go into further details of the resources available to and together we built a list of actions that I would take and actions for the client to take. This made my client feel so much more organized.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
I planned to accompany a victim to court and I was aware they were very nervous to talk in front of the judge and tell their story. When we arrived, the client had many questions and was concerned that the abuser would appear at court. I reassured them that if the abuser appeared, the abuser could be served in court that day, making the protective order active. This calmed them down because they were able to see that even if the abuser showed up, something good might come out of it. In regards to the client’s nerves about speaking in front of the judge, I reassured them that they knew the truth of what happened, so they were already one-step ahead. This helped my client gain confidence to share their story. After the hearing, the order remained granted and they were so pleased. They gave me big hug at the end and stated that my accompaniment was so beneficial for them.
Victim Advocate - Beacon of Hope Crisis Center |
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