NEWS RELEASE Beacon of Hope Crisis Center Adds A Trauma Therapy Dog And Receives Large Donation From Bob’s Discount Furniture
Exciting start to 2018 with additions of comfort for victims of crime receiving services from Beacon of Hope (INDIANAPOLIS, IN—January 25, 2018)—This brand new exciting year of 2018 kicks off for Beacon of Hope Crisis Center (BOHCC) with new additions to the team which includes Echo and his handler Lydia. Comfort abounds to assist with healing at this local agency serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault here in Central Indiana. Lydia and Echo joined the team on January 1st, Lydia is a Victim Advocate and Echo’s Trauma Therapy Dog Handler. She is getting her masters in psychology and has experience training service dogs for victims suffering from post-traumatic stress. “We are thrilled to add Echo, a trauma therapy dog, and his handler Lydia to our team and touched by the generosity of our corporate partners, Bob’s Discount Furniture. Thanks to their large donation we now have waiting, counseling and meeting room furniture to make those we are serving comfortable while dealing with their traumatic struggles. And adding Echo to our team helps victims dealing with the traumatic dynamics of an abusive relationship or the aftermath of sexual assault.” said Sandra Ziebold, CEO / Executive Director at Beacon of Hope Crisis Center. "One of our main goals as a company is to give back to the community, so we are honored to provide new furniture for the Beacon of Hope Crisis Center to ensure they are well equipped to serve their growing number of clients," said Cathy Poulin, Director of Outreach and Public Relations at Bob's Discount Furniture. Echo knows how you feel, feels it with you, and tries to make you feel better. He doesn’t just soak up your emotions, he empathizes with them. This caring and empathy isn’t something that can be trained into a dog, but this innate gift is what makes Echo an exceptional trauma therapy dog. Echo’s tenderness and genuine presence adds a peace and clarity of mind. He helps the victims we advocate for, through the good and the bad, and hopes for nothing in return. BOHCC served 904 victims of domestic violence and sexual assault this past year, the agencies 2017 annual report is available on their website. The complexity of cases they are managing and the increase in demand for their services continues to grow. BOHCC advocacy services are desperately needed 24/7. BOHCC serves victims in Central Indiana and has advocacy partnerships with local police departments serving victims of crime. In 2018 BOHCC hopes to increase major donor support to help them be able to operate 24/7 and add language services. You can help, learn more and donate now at About Bob’s Discount Furniture Bob’s Discount Furniture provides quality furniture at every day low prices. With furniture stores located across the United States, the Manchester, Connecticut based company has become the 12th-largest U.S. furniture chain. Bob’s is committed to the communities they serve through a variety of charitable giving efforts. Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation provides organizations and individuals with over $2.75 million in donations yearly. For more information on Bob's charitable programs, follow Bob’s on Twitter @MyBobs and on our LinkedIn Company Page, and subscribe to Bob’s on YouTube. About Beacon of Hope Crisis Center 501(c)3 Beacon of Hope Crisis Center a Christ-centered organization empowering victims of domestic violence and sexual assault to become self-sufficient by providing safety, support and education. Since 2009 Beacon of Hope, through its Crisis Intervention, Victim Advocacy, Counseling, "Teen Talk" Outreach and Education, Criminal Justice, Economic Sustainability and Foster Pet Programs has offered victims of domestic violence assistance in overcoming barriers that hold them in abusive situations. Beacon of Hope is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization located in Indianapolis, Indiana. More information about Beacon of Hope can be found at BOHCC Blog: Twitter: @bohindyorg Facebook: @Beaconofhopeindy Instagram: @beacon.of.hope.indy January 25, 2018 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CONTACT Sandra K. Ziebold, CEO / Executive Director Beacon of Hope Crisis Center 317 731 6131
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